Help With Gambling Addiction - A Guide for Impacted Families

Are you looking for help with gambling addiction?  Do you have a loved one who's a problem gambler?  Maybe you're not quite sure yet if they have a gambling problem, and you're starting to research?  Or maybe you're already certain that there's a problem, and are looking for help?  Wherever you are in this process, this website focuses on all types of gambling problem recovery topics for the loved ones of problem gamblers.  While there's information on the site that problem gamblers themselves may also find helpful, the focus is to provide help to the loved ones of gamblers impacted by the gambling problem.Gambling Addiction Help

It's important to understand that I'm not a professional in the field of problem gambling or addictions, nor I am even in the medical field.  I am, however, someone with first-hand experience discovering that my spouse is a problem gambler, and living with the hardship and turmoil that comes from the progressive disease of gambling.  Fortunately, I also have experience working through the addiction recovery process with my spouse, and for myself.  So while I'm not a expert in the field, and have no professional qualifications to give advice, I can speak from personal experience, and straight from my heart to yours to hopefully help you and your family start down the road to recovery.

Through my own research, including Internet searches, books, and individual therapy, I came to realize that while resources gamblers to get help with gambling addiction is plentiful, help for the spouses and loved ones is few and far between.  Hence, seeing this gap, I became motivated to put together this website as a free resource.  If I can help even one person, or one family find the right path for helping your gambler and/or yourself, then it will have been worthwhile.  Essentially, this site contains information that is from my personal experience, as well as concepts and techniques that I've compiled over the years, including talking with my individual therapist, talking with others with problem gamblers in their lives, as well as what I learned through the intervention experience that myself and my loved one went through.

In addition to sharing experiences, ideas, and techniques in dealing with a loved one who's a problem gambler, this site is also meant to provide information about problem gambling itself.  What is it?  How do you know your loved one is a problem gambler?  Can it be cured?  What's Gamblers Anonymous?  What's Gam-Anon?  Other questions that you might be asking yourself at this point might include:
  • What can I do to help?
  • Should I do something to help or leave it be?
  • Should I stay with, or leave my gambler?
  • How should I handle finances?
  • Is gambling really a disease?
  • Etc.
Although I've used the word "should" liberally, infering that you'll find all of THE answers here, that's not going to be the case.  Everyone's situation is so unique, personal, and complex that no one could possibly tell you exactly what to do.  The reality is that there's truly no one right answer for your situation.  There are different paths you can take, each one with its pros and cons.  Ultimately you'll need to decide what's best for you and your personal situation.  In fact, I would venture to say that if someone purports to KNOW exactly what you should do, I would caution you, as nothing is that simple, even for a problem gambling professional or addiction specialist.

What I hope you'll find is unique about this site is that unlike other resources available to you, it not only provides the background information regarding getting help with gambling addiction all in one place, but also provides a forum for people to share their experiences, as well as ask and answer questions.  While hopefully you'll come to believe that there's no one right answer to your problems, it can often be very helpful to ask a question and have a direct dialog about possible answers/solutions.  I've found that this type of forum is not readily available for loved ones of problem gamblers.

If you've read this far, it's highly likely that you're feeling overwhelmed by the gambling problem in your life, and you need help.  While this site won't cure your problems, you can rest assured that you've found a place to learn, share, and dialog with people who understands what you're experiencing, and who can help guide you to the tools you'll need for the learning process.  As the site grows, it will become even more valuable for you as you read about others who have experienced similar situations, and learn about what they did to work towards rebuilding a healthy way of life.

Learn more about the Effects of Gambling Addiction

About, My Gambling Addiction Story
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